20250316 Sydney St Patrick's Day Parade and dancing
20250316 FeisAction/MediaImages UK photography calendar
The majority of photographs are unmodified - for better results you will need to process them in Photoshop or similar.
Using the "Photos" link at the top of this page, click on the year for which you want to see photos. An index of photos will display when you click on a link. If you click on a small photo, a larger version will appear.
Want to save a copy of the photo? Then right-click on the large version of the photo and then select "copy image" or "save image".
The copy you save can be printed as a high-quality regular photo size or perhaps up to about A4.
If you would like a copy of the digital negative than can be printed up to about A1 size, email me the filename (not target...., but something.jpg) and I will email it back to you. It may be up to 40Mb, so make sure your email account can receive large attachments! This is FREE.
The photographs on this site are freely available to all persons in the photographs and to all Australian and NZ Irish Dancing teachers. They may be reproduced by the person in the photograph and Australian and NZ Irish Dancing Teachers freely and without fee, providing the following attribution is made: "©️Milton Baar, MediaImages"
These photographs MAY NOT be used in publications that are sold or are "for profit" without first contacting Milton Baar. Should any teacher, parent of a dancer in a photograph or the actual dancer wish to have a photograph removed, please contact me using the link at the bottom of the page.
If you like these photos, consider donating something to help me keep doing it….